Saturday, April 2, 2011

What is the Hopi 2012 Prophecy?

Should we be concerned about a Hopi 2012 prophecy? The Hopi Indians of the southwest are the oldest tribe of the United States. The Hopi have specific prophecies regarding the end of times which also coincide with other prophecies of the end of the world. The predictions of the Hopi are frightful.

The Hopi believe the world has been created and destroyed four times. After a time, each Hopi world goes through a cleansing and destruction so the next world can start fresh. The first three worlds have come and gone, we are now living in the fourth Hopi world. Here is how the Hopi say the first three worlds came to their end:

The Hopi first world

The first world was cleansed and destroyed by fire when all of the volcanoes on earth erupted. Everything on our planet was consumed by fire and everything had to start anew.

The Hopi second world

The second world was cleansed and destroyed by the Ice Age, which was caused when the North and South poles shifted their positions. The world was covered by ice, and mountains fell into the oceans and seas.

The Hopi third world

The third world was cleansed and destroyed by the Great Flood. Continents became submerged and sank into the waters of the oceans and seas. Some land splintered into small islands during the Great Flood.

We here today on planet Earth, are living in the Hopi fourth world. The prophecy of the Hopi says that this current-day fourth world is about to be cleansed and destroyed so that the new time of the fifth world can be ushered in.

The Hopi have signs that must be seen and fulfilled before the fifth world can begin. All but a few of these fifth world signs have come to be fulfilled. According to Hopi prophecy, the following are things yet to occur before the transition from the fourth world to the fifth:

* The seas and oceans will rise.

* Great earthquakes will happen all around the planet.

* The sun will become hotter.

We are already in our daily news talking about the polar ice caps melting and their water raising the ocean levels. Earthquakes have always happened, but now they are increasing in intensity and frequency all over our planet. We have been debating and arguing about Global Warming and sunspot flares for some time. Are the final signs of the Hopi coming true before our eyes today?

One other final sign of the end of the fourth world and the transition to the fifth world is that near the end of days, the earth will be crisscrossed by a spider web. As you read this article, you certainly are aware of how the World Wide Web has connected all of us everywhere together.

The Hopi prophecies are intriguing and interesting to contemplate, but the Hopi give no exact 2012 end of the world date prophecy. The Hopi instead talk about signs to be fulfilled or met before the current world is ended, and the new world begun.

There are other prophetic sources like the Mayan Calendar and the I Ching, that foretell the end of the world in 2012. In fact, the Mayan Calendar and the I Ching predict that the exact date of the end of the world is on December 21, 2012. Past soothsayers too, like Merlin, and Mother Shipton, and the Bible's Book of Revelations, also give us information about the end of the world and when and how it will come about.

If you study and learn about the prophecies and predictions of the Hopi, and the other seers and oracles, you will begin to see a common pattern amongst them all. Although they don't all use the same words or images to tell of the end of the world, there are amazing similarities in their prophecies.

How could different people, living in different times, in different cultures, come up with prophecies that are so much alike? Is this all a bunch of baloney, or is it the truth? I wondered this myself, so I learned all I could.

What the seers and predictors have to say is fascinating, and frightening too. If what they foresee is true, then we are soon to witness drastic change in our world. There are things you can do to prepare, but first you need to learn more about prophecy and the end of the world. Here is an excellent resource to learn more:

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