Monday, March 21, 2011

Polar Flip Or Reversal in 2012 - What Will You Believe?

Part of the prediction for the world ending in 2012 is due to the theory that the poles will "flip". What is thought will happen is that the North pole will have an opposite electric charge and subsequently become the south pole and vice versa. But, did you know this has already been documented to have happened in the Earth's past?

It is also true that the geographic north pole and the geographic location of the south pole nearly always do not coincide with the north and south magnetic pole. In fact the magnetic poles for each are quite a distance away from the geographic areas.

This polar switch is something that happens every 25,000 or so years, and some scientists believe that we are overdue for such an event. We can see evidence of this having occurred if we look at the ocean floor. Along the floor are stripy seams of solidified lava from thousands of years ago, and oceanographers confirm that they have an opposite magnetic charge to what we currently would expect in that area.

So how long would it take for the poles to reverse? Some who have studied the Mayan prophecy that there will be great changes happen in 2012 believe that this will be the year that the earth undergoes these phenomenal transitions. Others believe that a pole flip occurs over a vast amount of time, such as decades and will not be something that will happen spontaneously.

However, those that have researched the Mayan Calendar the prophecies of the Mayan civilisation, aren't convinced that this is something that should be dispelled. If there was a polar flip it would have a catastrophic impact on the earth.

Tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes and flooding would most certainly ensue a polar flip. Cities would be destroyed and those that were able to survive the cataclysmic event would be faced with famine and disease. Communication post an event such as this would be highly compromised. A polar flip affects the traditional support systems like telephones and internet that we would utilise to render assistance.

So, what can be done in preparation for such a terrifying event? My advice would be to research and educate yourself on survival techniques, what you should do in emergency situations and also whether you truly believe the threat to be real. I am a survivalist at heart and I am always being asked what would I do in that situation. My advice is always fore-warned is fore-armed. I would most certainly get as much critical up-to-date information on the matter and make my preparation for survival from there.

I have included my favourite source of information for you below. When it comes to a global catastrophic event such as the 2012 prophecy, I believe you really should educate yourself as much as possible so that you can gauge as to whether you believe it to be something that will affect you and your family. There is some wonderful literature available that will have you completely convinced on what will happen and what you need to do to survive it.

Do you want to know more on:
-Unearthing the truth about the "5th Age of Man" and the whether 2012 is an ending...or a much needed new beginning for us all?
-The real truth about Goverment Coverups, Swine Flu Pandemics and known natural disasters that are headed our way...and how people with power are not telling you everything they know..
-The I-Ching Prophecies... Mayan calendars... Hopi Indians teachings... Aztec calendars... On what subjects are they in sync? This might blow your mind!
If you want to make an educated decision about what YOU believe will happen in 2012 I urge you to visit 2012.

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