Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Survivors Guide to 2012 - What Will You Believe?

The volcano that recently erupted in Iceland and was responsible for shutting down the airline industry surrounding Europe for over a week, is a significant sign that we are heading into some strange and unusual climatic times. The earthquakes that recently devastated Haiti and Chile are other major indicators that our world is changing and we are at her mercy. Are these merely coincidences or are these a prelude to what people have been warning us about regarding the 21st of December 2012?

If you have heard about the 2012 prophecy you will no doubt be familiar with differing lines of thought. Some rely on the Mayan calendar as their indicator that we are about to head into uncertain times. Others look to scientific bodies such as NASA, to inform them that there is a definite change about to occur within the earth's atmosphere in the coming years.

But what if all this writing on the proverbial wall wasn't enough for you to consider this is a real threat that our earth is facing? My advice would be to look closely at the Mayan calendar. Why? Well, because I don't believe it is purely subjective, along with the fact that it has thousands of years as a track record.

The Mayan civilisation were profoundly brilliant at Mathematics. As a culture, unbelievably, they were not very advanced. It seems they put almost all their efforts into the pursuit of Mathematics to guide their destiny. Astronomy, mathematics and calendars in particular were their absolute strong points. So much so that civilisations post the Mayans have relied heavily, as we do today, on the calendar they devised - the 365 day calendar. Unfortunately for the Europeans it took 1000 years to adopt the calendar.

Throughout time, the Mayans were able to eerily predict world changes. Events like wars, great floods, earthquakes and significant hardships are all plotted in accurate dates in the Mayan Calendar.
What does it mean to us, seeing as though we have relied upon it so heavily for the past few thousand years, when the calendar stops in 2012? It is purely speculative at this point. Some thoughts are that it will trigger a new spiritual awakening within mankind, the Bible calls it the second coming of Christ. Others believe more sinister things, like a meteor by name of Planet X, will shift the Earth's electro magnetic fields and spin it into utter turmoil and destruction.

Whatever the outcome, there is certainly some great literature on the subject. My favourite source is listed below. If we are to prepare for this date December 21, 2012, we will certainly need to be informed of what could happen and what would be needed to survive the events. Remember, fore warned is fore armed and any survivalist will tell you their survival relies heavily on their preparedness.

Do you want to know more on:
-Unearthing the truth about the "5th Age of Man" and the whether 2012 is an ending...or a much needed new beginning for us all?
-The real truth about Government Cover ups, Swine Flu Pandemics and known natural disasters that are headed our way...and how people with power are not telling you everything they know. OR
-The I-Ching Prophecies... Mayan calendars... Hopi Indians teachings... Aztec calendars... On what subjects are they in sync? This might blow your mind! If you want to make an educated decision about what YOU believe will happen in 2012 I urge you to visit 2012 Contact.

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