Sunday, February 6, 2011

2012 Polar Shifts - What Einstein Believed Will Happen

The Scientific theory that the earth's centre rotates at a different speed from the crust, is not a new one. The question that has since been posed is what keeps the earth's crust in equal motion with the earth's centre? Albert Einstein subscribed to the same theory by Charles Hapgood that there will be a massive ice build up at each pole, the North and the South, which will then be thrown via massive centrifugal force to the mid line of the earth's equator.

Static electricity is believed to be the product of the earth's centre rotating at different speeds to the outer crust of the earth's surface. True magnetic north is not AT the north pole precisely but lays in a general area some distance away. If the theory on static electricity is true, then the magnetic charge at the crust of it's north pole must have an opposite charge to the earth's core. The same would be true for the South Pole, therefore the magnetic charge at the southern poles outer crust would be different to the southern poles inner core.

Global warming is responsible for more ice and snow being deposited on the polar land areas. With this constant build up of ice at her poles, a tilt in the earth's axis could spell disaster for the electromagnetic bond that exists between the earth's crust and core. Any slight phenomenon that may break the bond of opposite electromagnetic charges between crust and core could result in a catastrophic effect for the earth. It is predicted that a meteor that will enter the earth's atmosphere and wreak havoc on the earth's gravitational pull, will be the catalyst for this bond breaking. As the earth wobbles and spins from the magnetic change, the electromagnetic charge will literally throw these ice mountains towards the equator. What this means for earth is massive climatic change, floods and tsunamis.

The earth has witnessed and survived previous electromagnetic changes or polar shifts. This is evident by geologists studying lava from more than 30,000 years ago where the magnetic field of the solidified lava is opposite to what it is now.

What will you do to prepare yourself in the lead up to 2012? Einstein believed that this date would signal a massive earth changing event, and there are countless religious and prophetic theories that add weight to the belief. As a survivalist, I believe in being prepared through eduction. If I am able to gather as much accurate information as possible, I am able to gauge as to whether this is something I need to be prepared for or if it is nothing but over inflated hype. I have included my favourite source of accurate information below. Remember, fore warned is fore armed. If you are aware of what the past says about our future, then you may be able to predict what your outcome may be.

Do you want to know more on:
-Unearthing the truth about the "5th Age of Man" and the whether 2012 is an ending...or a much needed new beginning for us all?
-The real truth about Government Cover ups, Swine Flu Pandemics and known natural disasters that are headed our way...and how people with power are not telling you everything they know..
-The I-Ching Prophecies... Mayan calendars... Hopi Indians teachings... Aztec calendars... On what subjects are they in sync? This might blow your mind!
If you want to make an educated decision about what YOU believe will happen in 2012 I urge you to visit 2012 Contact.

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