Saturday, January 22, 2011

2012 - Fact Or Fiction? Eight Things You Should Know About the Upcoming 'Shift'

Nowadays, it is fairly common knowledge that the Mayan calendar comes to an end on December 21, 2012 and that a collection of other events are also lined up to occur on or around that same day, leading to all manner of theories about what will happen here on Earth. The opinions range from complete and utter destruction of Earth to a more psychic, metaphysical 'shift' which will fundamentally alter life as we know it.
Here are a few facts and legends about what will occur on or around December 21, 2012. There is no way of actualizing times, dates and places...after all, time is a man-made concept. So although I would hesitate to place an exact time on these events, I would say that the general time frame would put all of these events fairly close to one another or, at least, in the same ballpark, especially since some events are based on the science of astronomy.

1) The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. This is the oldest and most astronomically correct calendar ever created: the Mayans are regarded to this day as having a unique understanding of the movement of celestial bodies and their effects upon Earth.

2) The Earth completes its full transit through each sun sign (or zodiac sign) for the first time in approximately 26,000 years (each transit lasts around 2100 years)...this is the end of one Grand (Mayan) cycle and the beginning of another. This 26,000 year cycle is the base for several ancient calendars and is known as one Galactic Day.

3) The Milky Way completes a 225 million year rotation cycle (which is approximately how long the entire Milky Way takes to complete an entire revolution in the sky).

4) The winter solstice (December 21 - the shortest day of the year) concurs with the Reversal of the Sun's magnetic poles (which can increase the Sun's pull on the Earth). This occurs approximately every 11 years, so we have obviously survived the Sun's pole shifts many times, however, when this event is combined with the end of the 26,000 year Grand Cycle and the full rotation of the Milky Way...let's just say that the hypothetical presence of such energy or magnetic pull upon the Earth could cause vibrations the likes of which humanity has never seen.

5) The Sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way (our home galaxy) and with the larger central galaxy, which occurs every 5,000 years or so and results in a higher level of activity on the Sun that produces 'sunspots' or Solar storms. This activity can wreak havoc on the Earth since it is already rotating on an angled axis and can be 'pulled', resulting in anything from earthquakes to eruptions to get the picture.

6) Here is something you may not know...every 750,000 years or so, Earth's magnetic poles also shift. Currently, we are about 30,000 years overdue. I don't think I need to point out the potential negatives presented with this possibility, except to say that the magnetic shield that protects the Earth from the radiation of the Sun would be interrupted. Forget sunscreen. The good news is that there is a strong opinion that this 'switch' could take up to 5,000 years to complete...which might account for the strange and dramatic weather patterns we have been seeing recently. However, when combined with the above mentioned alignments, magnetic forces could encourage such a pole shift.

7) December 21, 2012 converted into numbers is 12 21 20 12 which is obviously formed primarily of the numbers 1 (Original Force) and 2 (Duality/Balance). Translated, this reads as an incredible amount of Force interacting with or affecting the Balance of all things. Further, the total energy of this number is an 11 - or, Master Psychic. While I am not partial to the word 'psychic' due to its misuse in general, I am using it here to indicate the type of energy present, which is that of a higher level of energy that originates from a metaphysical or esoteric source. The energy here is one of unusual events, telepathy, creation using the higher planes of imagination and tapping into the 'third eye': the Master 11 is 'off the scale' in terms of regular, daily routine and normal experiences. Since everything has an equal and opposite energy value and the Master numbers hold a higher intensity level, a negative manifestation of the Master 11 could bring chaos, destruction, war, name it. However, the positive manifestations of the 11 introduce fascinating transformations, events and scenarios...and is the number of connection to Universe and Divinity. Number 11 appears quite regularly when looking at the aspects connected to this shift: in addition to being the total event number energy, it is also the number of years between solar flare increases. Further, it pinpoints the time of the aforementioned winter solstice as 11:11 Universal time -- a number which is often regarded as our DNA code and the number heralding the spiritual 'awakening' of mankind. All of this will occur under the 11th sign of the Zodiac, or, the Age of Aquarius. The number 11 is deeply rooted in our past, present and future and seems to be highlighted here.

8) Various prophesies by the Hopi (and other Native American Tribes), Egyptians, Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce (the Sleeping Prophet), all forecast some form of shift for this time frame, the most common seemingly attached to a shift of the Earth's axis or something falling from the sky to the Earth. Nothing that hasn't happened before (consider the disappearance of the dinosaurs), but something that hasn't happened in a long while. One might say, from a strictly logical point of view, that we are overdue! Of course, that doesn't mean it is inevitable.

Okay, now that I've given you the basic's what I think all of this means.
The Hopi and the Maya were very aware of the spiritual journey of mankind and the Ages that man would have had to pass through in order to understand the ultimate truth of existence. We are currently in the 'blank space' between Ages 5 and 6 (which is often called the 'Golden Age') and it is while in this 'blank' space that we, as a people, decide or prepare for the manner in which we will welcome the shift. The 13 year spread between 1999 and 2012 is, according to Mayan belief, the time we have to ponder our past actions and patterns...and time seems to be running out.

We have all experienced the odd sensation of 'time speeding up' (where did the day go?) and this is actually confirmed by scientific calculations known as the Schumann Resonance, which, for hundreds of years has calibrated the 'heartbeat' or pulse of Earth at 7.83 cycles per second. However, since 1980, this pulse has been rising; quickening...and now sits at around 12 cycles per second. Hence, we are, indeed, losing time.
The youth of this generation seem to have come into this world with their souls' journeys already sensitized to the coming shift. They are extremely psychic or intuitive, often withdrawn, highly creative and 'different' in nature and conduct from those who have come before. Society did/does not know what to do with these unusual children: consequently they were/are labeled. And often put on medication. These are the 'Indigo'...or 'Crystal' children and they are already subconsciously 'prepared' to assimilate the coming changes as natural to them. They are the children of the 'Golden Age'.

During the last twenty years or so (a phase known by the Maya as the 'Katun'), changes have been occurring on an individual basis, which is necessary to 'morph' on a larger scale. Even as technology introduces the next gadget, we wonder if there is something more. We are turning back to ourselves, seeking inside for that which we have failed to find outside: look at the hundreds of books available today on spiritual enlightenment and awakening. (Even 20 years ago, these books were very rarely found on store shelves...Louise Hay was one of the pioneers of the so called 'self help' and 'new age' movements in the early 80's with 'You can Heal your Life'. My own book on Chaldean numerology was written for this express purpose: to allow folks to 'befriend' themselves and to recognize their own unique intuitive powers, sensory gifts and artistic talents and to ultimately join together with others to channel love into the atmosphere. We all know that focused energies can work miracles).

People are seeking the spiritual, are opening to their own intuitive instincts and are actively pursuing healing through the modalities of energy work, meditation and spiritual counseling...and messages through the modalities of intuitive channelers, mediums and lightworkers. We are once more looking to the stars for guidance and answers (like our ancestors did) and for a deeper meaning to our existence. The idea behind this next level or phase or Age is that we leave behind the material, the money, the technology, the greed, the anger, the frustration, the hate and the lower manifestations of human nature.

The gate we are approaching is one of transition. We have, as humans, traveled through various stages of both positive and negative development, the most recent being one of advancement in technology; the destruction and pollution of our planet, separation of family and connections and the corresponding upsurge of disease, ecological disasters and strife in general.

What we are stepping into is a new way of being. This is accepting our additional senses, releasing negativity and welcoming the higher power available to us all. It involves mass consciousness and it is unlike anything ever experienced by man...perhaps the closest example I could give here as a comparison lies with the continent of Atlantis...however, they did not quite get the message. They had not assimilated the gift they'd been given with respect, honor and gratitude: remnants of the ego-ruled human brought them back down to earth, as it were. Or, in this case, to the bottom of the ocean.

The biggest challenges inherent in this shift are to be willing to release control, relinquish the ego or id and to understand that we are evolving as a race (even now) and will no longer be the 'people' we once were. Consider that we only use around 1/3rd of our brains...then consider the myriad potentialities lying dormant therein! I sense that this shift will finally allow us to truly understand the phrase "we are not humans having a spiritual experience: we are spirits (or souls) having a human experience".

So whether or not this shift comes in a physical way, a destructive way or a passive and gentle way seems to be up to us. If we resist the natural course of change and growth and advancement, we will create all kinds of roadblocks for ourselves. On the other hand, if we welcome change and move with it instead of against it, I believe the transition can be one of warmth and wonder and delight. But I also believe that we must accept this shift as a unit; as a group and as a whole for the underlying theme seems to be one of collective consciousness rather than individual and therefore alone energy. It feels like a case of 'why fight it''s coming either way. We can make it hard on ourselves, or we can make it easy. Or easier. Our choice.
For more information about this and other metaphysical and spiritual topics, please visit my website. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses instead of passing them by.
Heather Lagan

Author Heather Lagan is a Spiritual Advisor and Intuitive Life Coach in Surrey, B.C., where she has provided counselling services for over 25 years. Heather's primary tools of reference are the Tarot and Chaldean Numerology, the latter being the subject of her book 'Mystic Chaldean Numerology and the Secret Language of Letters'. Check out her website at for more information on Chaldean numerology and other metaphysical mysteries. Heather also offers in person, phone and email readings...please drop by her site for details.

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